Friday, December 4, 2009

First African Baptist Church Harris Neck

Hinder Me Not oh world because I was so happy to see Reverend Timmons Jr,walk blindly by faith to the table and eat.That's how strong the Geechee Gullah eatings smell. And 3 times people had to tell me he was blind.I finally got it when a bee flew right into his fish and he kept eating.

And then my cousin next to me,whose nose was stuck down in the red beans and rice...and the white folks who just drove off the road and helped themselves to some food. You knew they hadn't seemed black people before,but they decided it was time for them to eat so they caught a little of the Gullah spirit so they can make their way over to the eating tent.

So word to the wise,next time you come,get everybody's name before the food starts.We all know Chester Dunham and McIntosh county,but I don't know the name of the soul eating the sloppings next to me. No wonder,the other church was called Hinder Me Not..because nothing hindered Reverend Timmons from his food. A Blind Man that walked and smelled by faith,so much for seeing eye dogs.

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